Great days riding. Who'd of thought riding down a hill all day could be so exhausting!?
The weather on the way to BPW wasn't great and I'd kinda decided to sit in the cafe all day. When we arrived it was cold but the rain had stopped and it got warmer throughout the day, the sun even made an appearance. A certain 'Walsall bird' was about 45 minutes away on an Easter break with her family and they had a foot of snow on the ground when they woke up that morning..
We managed 8 runs I think which is pretty good when you consider the amount of talking everybody does
Apart from Marmites tumble, the day was trouble free. No mechanical, no injuries.
For me personally, FANTASTIC riding. Felt I made some good progress with my jumping and cornering!
The Magic Mary/Rock Razor combo worked flawlessly. The Magic Mary always has been superb but this was the first proper ride with the Rock Razor on the back.
So glad I fitted it. The back end just stuck to the ground all day long. It did slide once when I was being 'proper pro' and sliding around a corner, foot down the lot
There are a few videos which I'm sure one of us will share once they've been uploaded.
No pictures of riding because we was riding, not taking pictures
Massive thanks to Gaz for the lift.. Yam a star.
Massive f**k you to Ant for forgetting my cider.. Yam a twat.
All said and done - A brilliant day. Much piss taking (chip barn anybody - Jay must have fallen off, look at his face - and a whole lot about me being a princess and gay)
Word of the day = MOIST
Act of the day = Gaz lying his bike on the floor, rolling around a bit and smacking his helmet off a rock in an attempt to get us to have a whip round for him
Something I've learnt = NOTHING IS EVER JACKS FAULT
Surprise of the day = My pants stayed dry
The weather on the way there was a bit crap
Not that they want to scare you or anything...
We were the first to arrive. Even the cafe was closed and I had a SEVERE caffeine need
Got busier at lunchtime but they trails all felt quiet.
One of 6 (i think thats how many they have) uplift vans. I think they had 4 or 5 running yesterday.
Half way down Sixt a pod. If you're able to zoom riiiiight in, you'll the the rest of the group up with Gaz after his fall.
I had no idea we had a man down until I stopped here.
Me looking a mong as usual
Gaz looking a mong as usual
A bow of rain on the way home.